Modify Quick Launch bar with your own programs or commands Win 11, 10, 8.1, ...!
The Quick Launch bar can be customized with your own programs or commands on Windows 11, 10, 8.1, ...!
You can also enable the MS Quick Launch toolbar in Windows 10, but if you use the alternate execute dialog, you may also want to have it custom in the Run Command toolbar, especially handy for portable deployment, as you can take the run-command_p.ini on one portable stick from computer to computer, whether server admin in the network or standard user in any case practically.
As default the keyboard shortcut Windows + R is provided for Run Command, but can be changed at any time If you want to change this, press the button ►
The problem when running in admin mode as standard user and password was fixed in version 4.04? / Improved The focus fell again on the alternative run dialog
Yes and it is very advantageous to use this small run dialog on all MS Windows 11 OS as an alternative / extension to the standard run dialog 1. Simple
Detailed questions and answers on the topic Why should I replace the standard Run dialog of Windows 12, 11 or 10 with an alternative? 12, 11 or 10 with an
First of all thank you very much for making such a wonderful software. I was wondering if you can customize the fixed shortcuts at the bottom of the run dialog Inline image! if these shortcuts can also be picked from the ini files then that would allow users to click the frequently used programs directly without going to the Favorites menu.?
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