Minimize all open windows in windows excluding keyboard?
You can easily minimize all open windows in all MS Windows 11, 10, .. and all other desktop and server systems with one click!
This feature isn't the Aero Peek, it's a Windows user feature that lets you peek at the Windows desktop and get a quick overview of the desktop. Everyone probably knows the ►► Maximize windows, minimize shortcuts , that's a little different and more for touch displays without a hardware keyboard!
You can use this hidden feature if you left click on the bottom right corner of the screen, or right click then the selection menu labeled "Show Desktop" will appear
To reopen all previously minimized windows, click the Show Desktop icon again and they will all reappear.
2.) More about this function of the Windows window!
Now, this feature is nothing new either, the same thing works with the Windows + D key combination
But with touchscreens it's not that bad, because you might not have a hardware keyboard!
3.) More tips and information about minimizing windows!
Good arrangement of the windows is always important under Windows in order to be able to work quickly. Here you will find more tips on this topic that are more or less helpful, just click through and get information.
The Windows system language is the standard language used for elements, dialog boxes, messages, etc. Contents: 1. Example of the Windows system language
It is quite easy to change the drive symbol / icon under Windows, on external and internal hard drives It should be noted that a restart of Windows is required
Show desktop option that minimizes all open windows and shows the desktop immediately?
Use the mouse button to quickly show the windows, look for the option Show open windows?
Minimizing all open windows can somehow without the windows key on a pc not to minimize each window individually, or to minimize all open windows at once?
How do I minimize all open windows without a windows keyboard?
How do I want to use the Show Desktop button but don't want to use a keyboard shortcut?
Using the taskbar for quick access to my Windows desktop?
Minimize all open windows without using a Windows keyboard?
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